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  • Who may apply for a Barlow Prize Commission?
    We encourage applicants from a variety of musical aesthetics and backgrounds to apply. There are no restrictions or preferences with regard to musical style, nationality, age, gender, race, religion, locale, or political persuasion. Composers may apply for the Prize and either a General OR a Latter-day Saints commission.

    The only limitations are:

    1. Composers who have won the Barlow Prize in the previous five years will not be considered in the Prize competition.
    2. The Barlow Endowment is only able to grant commissions to composers who are not included among the premiering performers, conductors, directors, or agents of the commissioned work.
    3. Members of the Barlow Boards are not eligible.

    Can I change my application once it is submitted?
    Because the Endowment receives hundreds of applications for three commissions, it is difficult to make changes to individual applications. Therefore, composers should be judicious with the information, scores, recordings, and letters of commitment they enter on their application before they submit the electronic application. If a change needs to be made after the composer submits the application, the composer will need to submit a new application for that particular commission and inform the Endowment via email of their new submission.

    Are any additional costs covered by the Barlow Endowment?
    We understand that there are several costs beyond the composer’s commission fee in the creation of new music. These can include such things as travel, production costs for performers, rental of venues, securing rights for libretti and text, and the copying and duplication of instrumental parts. Since the Barlow Endowment’s charter designates that works in our commissioning categories (the Barlow Prize, General, and Latter-day Saint Commissions) only be awarded funds for the composer’s commission amount, we are unable to fund any of the additional costs beyond these awards.

  • Who may apply for a General Commission?
    We encourage applicants from a variety of musical aesthetics and backgrounds to apply. There are no restrictions or preferences with regard to musical style, nationality, age, gender, race, religion, locale, or political persuasion. Composers may apply for the Prize and either a General OR a Latter-day Saints commission.

    The only limitations are:

    1. The Barlow Endowment is only able to grant commissions to composers who are not included among the premiering performers, conductors, directors, or agents of the commissioned work.
    2. Recipients of previous General or Latter-day Saints Commission will not be considered for subsequent General or Latter-day Saint commissions until the previously commissioned work has been completed. 
    3. Composers may not receive a Barlow General or Latter-day Saints Commission for two consecutive years. 
    4. Current members of the Barlow Boards are not eligible to apply.
    5. Composers may only seek commissions for a new work they have not yet begun. The proposed premiere for the new work cannot occur sooner than March 1st following the awarding of the commission.
    6. Composers must already have an agreement with the performer(s) for whom they will compose the new piece. Any composer, (or agent, artist, or ensemble applying on behalf of a particular composer) may submit an application.

    Who may apply for a Latter-day Saints Commission?
    Latter-day Saints commissions are different from the Prize and General commissions competitions. Composers who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints may apply for this competition who already have a collaboration agreement with a performer for a new work yet to be composed. Composers seeking General or Latter-day Saints Commissions may apply for either but not both and should submit no more than one proposal to any program. The proposed premiere for the new piece cannot occur sooner than March 1st following an award from the Endowment. The Latter-day Saints commission is an international competition and can incorporate any musical genre or performance locality.

    Can I change my application once it is submitted?
    Because the Endowment receives hundreds of applications for three commissions, it is difficult to make changes to individual applications. Therefore, composers should be judicious with the information, scores, recordings, and letters of commitment they enter on their application before they submit the electronic application. If a change needs to be made after the composer submits the application, the composer will need to submit a new application for that particular commission and inform the Endowment via email of their new submission.

    How much should I request for my commission?
    The Barlow Endowment is unable to provide assistance in deciding your commission request amount. To help with your commission request, click HERE for a commissioning fee calculator. Commission requests must not exceed $14,000.

    Are any additional costs covered by the Barlow Endowment?
    We understand that there are several costs beyond the composer’s commission fee in the creation of new music. These can include such things as travel, production costs for performers, rental of venues, securing rights for libretti and text, and the copying and duplication of instrumental parts. Since the Barlow Endowment’s charter designates that works in our commissioning categories (the Barlow Prize, General and Latter-day Saints Commissions) only be awarded funds for the composer’s commission amount, we are unable to fund any of the additional costs beyond these awards.

    What does the letter of commitment need to indicate?
    The letter of commitment needs to be written by the party NOT submitting the application. Therefore, if the composer is submitting the application, it should be written by the performer indicating that the performer agrees to premiere the new work. If the performer is submitting the application, it should be written by the composer who agrees to create a new work for the performer.

  • When will the next competition be posted on the web site?
    Details regarding each year’s competition will be posted after January 1 of the competition year.

    For what am I applying?
    Composers/performers are applying for a commission to compose a NEW work, one not yet written. The awarded contract will be between the Endowment and composer for composer fees only.

    May I apply for all of the commissions?
    Composers may apply for the Prize and either a General OR a Latter-day Saints commission. Composers seeking General or Latter-day Saints commissions may apply for either but not both, and should submit no more than one proposal to any program.

    Is there a limit to the number of composers that can apply with the same ensemble?

    • There can only be one application submitted for a composer for any commissioned category.
    • Any performer may apply for a commission on behalf of a composer with whom they have an agreement for writing the work.
    • Performers may work with more than one composer submitting an application for a commission with them.

    If I am being commissioned by more than one ensemble/performer, which ensemble/performer submits the application?
    Composers usually submit their own applications. However, we will consider a single application on behalf of any composer from any ensemble/performer committed to follow through with a performance of the commissioned work. There can only be one application submitted for a composer for each commissioned category.

    If I am working with multiple performers, whom do I list on the application?
    The application should designate a single person from ONE of the groups who will represent all groups in the consortium, should a commission be awarded. In the letter of commitment, that person will represent all performers. In the event of the award, that representative will co-sign the contract with the composer.

    Can I apply for a commission for the piece I am currently working on?
    No. Composers may only be commissioned for pieces not yet started. Projects started previously are not eligible for Endowment funding.

    How much should I request for my commission?
    The Barlow Endowment is unable to provide assistance in deciding your commission request amount. To help with your commission request, click HERE for a commissioning fee calculator.

    Are any additional costs covered by the Barlow Endowment?
    We understand that there are several costs beyond the composer’s commission fee in the creation of new music. These can include such things as travel, production costs for performers, rental of venues, securing rights for libretti and text, and the copying and duplication of instrumental parts. Since the Barlow Endowment’s charter designates that works in our commissioning categories (the Barlow Prize, General and Latter-day Saints Commissions) only be awarded funds for the composer’s commission amount, we are unable to fund any of the additional costs beyond these awards.

  • To what does the 11:59pm (MDT) annual June 1  deadline refer? 
    The Barlow Endowment office must RECEIVE the materials electronically before midnight (MDT) annually on June 1—the application will close automatically at 11:59pm (MDT) June 1. The Endowment does not make exceptions for submissions delayed because of natural disasters, faulty internet or applicant neglect. Please plan accordingly.

    What if the deadline is on a weekend or a holiday?
    The 11:59pm (MDT) June 1 deadline still holds.

    Will the Endowment notify me when they receive my submission?
    Your application confirmation is the email you receive after your online submission is received on our end. If you do not receive one, check your spam/junk folders and filters. It may take a few hours to receive it.

  • Do I need to send a letter of recommendation?


    Is there an entry fee?

    There is no fee for applying.

    What materials do I submit with my application?

    Below is a table with a checklist of the required submission materials for each competition. The required materials must be submitted electronically before midnight (MDT) on June 1. Beneath the table is detailed information about the items on the checklist. Submission materials should be of professional quality.

    Exactly two (2)  scores TOTAL (1 copy of each score) uploaded
    in a PDF format. One must be no more than 5 years old (originally written, not a revision.)
    For an electronic music composition where there is no traditional score, the composer should submit corresponding program notes that describe the particular programming or software medium used to compose the work, as well as any source material.
    Exactly two (2) scores TOTAL (1 copy of each score) uploaded
    in a PDF format. One must be no more than 5 years old (originally written, not a revision.)
    For an electronic music composition where there is no traditional score, the composer should submit corresponding program notes that describe the particular programming or software medium used to compose the work, as well as any source material.
    Recordings should be uploaded with the application form in .aac, .m4a or .mp3 formats. Recordings should be uploaded with the application form in .aac, .m4a or .mp3 formats.
    Composer list of compositional activity and brief biographical sketch uploaded in a pdf format.Composer list of compositional activity and brief biographical sketch uploaded in a pdf format.
    Video links uploaded in a pdf format only if recordings are unavailable.Video links uploaded in a pdf format only if recordings are unavailable.
    If the COMPOSER, fills out the application, a letter of commitment from the ensemble/performer must be uploaded to the application form.
    If the ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER fills out the application, a letter of commitment from the composer must be uploaded to the application form.

    What should I title the uploaded files? 

    • In preparation for your application, please have the following items ready to upload:
      • PDFs of scores (titled: Composerlastname Firstname Score scoretitle) ex: Doe Jane Score Here Comes the Sun
      • MP3 or AAC sound files of scores   (titled: Composerlastname Firstname Recording scoretitle) ex: Doe Jane Recording Here Comes the Sun. 
      • Brief biography – one page (titled: Composerlastname Firstname Bio)
      • List of compositional activities (titled: Composerlastname Firstname List)
      • A PDF of commitment letter from the ensemble/performer or composer (titled: Composerlastname Firstname commitment letter)
      • A PDF of a video link (optional) (titled: Composerlastname Firstname Video Score Title) ex: Doe Jane Video Here Comes the Sun

    What should I do if I do not receive a confirmation email?

    Applicants should check in any junk or spam folders if a confirmation email is not received. If the confirmation email is still not found, contact us at barlowendowment@byu.edu. Please do not submit a second application.

    What is a list of compositional activity?

    A list of compositional activity includes a listing of a composer’s catalog, performances, publications, commissions, awards, and recordings.

    What does approximate duration of proposed new work mean?

    The time requirement pertains to the winning composer’s yet to be written commission.

    Should I submit a recording from my proposed performers?

    No. There is no need to submit a recording from the performers. Commissions will be awarded based upon the skill of the composer.

    Can I email my scores or recordings?

    No. All materials must be uploaded electronically on the application before it is submitted.

    Who should write the letter of commitment?

    The letter of commitment needs to be written by the party NOT submitting the application. Therefore, if the composer is submitting the application, it should be written by the performer indicating that the performer agrees to premiere the new work. If the performer is submitting the application, it should be written by the composer which agrees to create a new work for the performer.

    What does the letter of commitment need to indicate?
    The letter of commitment indicates the composer or performer who is not submitting the application agrees to compose or perform the newly commissioned work should a Barlow Commission be awarded.

  • What two scores should I submit? Should they both pertain to the genre of the commission for which I am applying?
    The Barlow Endowment leaves it up to the composer to decide which two PDF scores they feel best represent their abilities and talents. The guidelines state:

    • Of the two works you submit, one should be your best work (regardless of instrumentation).
    • The other should be your best work that is closest to the consortium/performer requirement for which you are applying. It need not be exact, but can feature the category in another context. The judges will be interested in seeing how you handle the instrument(s) in as close a context as you can show.
    • Additionally, one of these two chosen compositions (not an arrangement or recasting of an earlier work) must be no more than five (5) years old when originally written.

    The Endowment does not provide advice to applicants regarding which piece of music best represents them and their abilities.

    Does the Endowment consider only “traditionally notated” submission work?
    There are no restrictions on style or notation. The Judging panel and Board of Advisors represent a broad spectrum from across the discipline and are qualified to assess any score.

    How do I submit an electronic music composition that does not have a physical score?
    For an electronic music composition where there is no traditional score, the composer should submit corresponding program notes that describe the particular programming or software medium used to compose the work, as well as any source material.

    Do I have to submit a recording with my score?
    Yes. Applications will NOT be considered without recordings.

    How should I submit my recordings with my application?
    Recordings are uploaded as part of the application form. Live recordings are encouraged. They should be in .aac, .m4a or .mp3 (NOT .mp4) formats only. No other formats will be accepted (including MIDI). If the audio cannot be separated from a video, a video link in a pdf format is acceptable. Please note that MIDI realizations may be submitted in an .mp3 format, however, even when excellent in quality, they do not prove to be competitive in the final rounds of judging and may be detrimental to your application.

    How should I title my MP3 uploads?
    Title uploads as “Composerlastname Firstname Recording score title.” Titles may be typed in upper-case or lower-case, and the score title must be clearly identifiable.

    My pieces have multiple movements, can I upload them all?
    No. The application only allows one upload per score. The applicant should submit the recording they feel best represents them. Please indicate in the score the section represented by your recording.

    What if I need to change my scores and/or uploaded recordings?
    Composers will need to submit a new application and inform the Barlow Endowment via email at barlowendowment@byu.edu.

    Can I email my scores or recordings?
    No. All materials must be uploaded electronically on the application before it is submitted.

  • When will the results be posted?
    The Endowment will notify the winners, participants, and friends of the Endowment before August 31st. These and other news will also be posted on the Endowment’s website  and Facebook  page.

    Will I receive the judge’s feedback from my submission?
    No. Due to our large number of applications, the judging panel does not provide feedback for applicants.

    How long do I have to complete and perform my commission once it is granted?
    When filling out a Barlow Endowment application, composers include an estimated composition deadline date and proposed performance date(s), verified by a letter from the performer(s). The first performance cannot take place before March 1st following the competition year. If awarded a commission, the composer and an ensemble representative sign a contract containing those deadlines supplied in the application.

    Is there an estimated amount of money given for the General and Latter-day Saints Commission awards?
    Recent awards have ranged between $3,000-$15,000. The judging panel may adjust amounts requested. When plans include a large expensive project it is typical to line up multiple funding sources.

  • How do I receive regular mailings regarding the Barlow Endowment?
    All Barlow communication is conducted by email. To be added to our email list, send an email to BarlowEndowment@byu.edu.